Manhattan Language マンハッタンランゲージ
She will need to buy two books for her classes. Textbook fees range from $30 to $65. (Depends on her levels)
This Integrated Skills English class is designed for Advanced level students. Each week, the students are practicing all the main communication areas: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing, with an emphasis on using grammar correctly. It’s especially useful for an Advanced level that is still fine tuning their English and wish to improve the accuracy and fluency of their verbal and written communication. The start dates are very flexible and new students can join the classes from any Monday.
現在はAmsterdamレジデンスではなく、The Embassy and Manhattan School of Music/Columbia- Area Residenceの手配を行っています。
Our year round student residence is at the The Embassy and Manhattan School of Music residence in the Columbia University area. We no longer use the Amsterdam Residence. I have attached a fact sheet about the residence in this email. This also shows a number of photos to give you a better idea of how it looks. The Embassy and Manhattan School of Music/Columbia- Area Residence is located at 134 Claremont Avenue, one block west of Broadway between 122nd – LaSalle Streets. It is just 7 blocks from Columbia University and next to Riverside Park. It’s about a 20 minute subway ride from our school.
「If she registers and pays in full for her program in December, she can pay 2014 tuition prices and receive 1 week free! This is our Year End Promotion offer. 」
「Transfer students must register a minimum of 12 weeks」
El Camino Language Academyを12月5日に終了し、Manhattan Languageのコースを2月2日から開始してもOKか問い合わせたところ、ぎりぎり59日目なので、Language Academyのコースを終了したら、早急にトランスファーの手続きをする必要があるとのことでした。
「When students finish their program, they have a “60-day grace period” in which they can transfer to another school. If she plans to start her program Feb 2, 2015, that is fine but this is day 59, so we will have to process her transfer quickly. In order for us to do this, she should start the registration process at Manhattan Language for our Standard Program as soon as she finishes her program in California. 」
<ホームステイ SARA>
Manhattan Language にホームステイを依頼すると、やはり、Saraに依頼しているようなので、Manhattan Languageでホームステイで申し込みをされた場合、ホームステイは学校ではなく、Saraに申し込みをしてください。
If you send the booking in 2011, the 2011 tuition rates apply, even if their program continue into 2012. This is true for any bookings received by the end of this year.
Berkeley College:
私立 4年制のカレッジ(ビジネス) $32000/アカデミックイヤー
Monroe College:
私立 4年制のカレッジ(ビジネス、看護など) $25370/アカデミックイヤー
The Manhattan Institute of Management:
私立 ビジネス関係の専門学校ですが、EAEというビジネススクール(バルセロナ)のMBAが取得できます。
Concordia College:
私立 4年制のリベラルアーツカレッジ $39600/アカデミックイヤー
・How many percentage of Japanese in your school? About 18%
・How many students in your school? 150
・How many students do you have per class? 10-11
・What is the maximum number of students per class? 14 maximum per class
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