El Camino College エルカミノカレッジ
Please note, a CPT is very hard to justify because it has to be a part of a program and we do not have any program which require a CPT. An OPT will not be a problem, because all of the ECC’s programs permit an OPT. A Business management certificate will take anywhere between 3 to 4 semesters to complete.
Leonid Rachman lrachman@elcamino.edu
Summer Kennedy skennedy@elcamino.edu
Certificate of Accomplishmentについて必要単位が9単位のコースだが、留学生でもAssociate Degree に申し込まずにサーティフィケートコースに申込可能とのこと。
The student does not need to take an AA/AS degree but just to complete all the classes required for this certificate. However, this certificate is only 9 units. Please note if a student is unable to take all the classes related to this certificate, he/she will have to take classes which are unrelated to it.
In theory if all the classes are taught in the same semester and student is able to register to all the classes, student has good English skills and does not care that we are going to terminate his or her I-20 for under enrollment, then this student can take 9 units.
However, in practice majority of Japanese student do not have really strong English skills and need extra English instructions. Not all the classes are taught every semester and majority of F-1 visa students want OPT for which they have to complete to consecutive semesters.
If your student wants to study online from Japan, we can accommodate him/her as late as two weeks prior beginning of Summer session or Fall semester 2021.
If your student from Japan wants to take Fall 2021 in the US, he she should apply to ECC no later then July 15th. If a student already in the US, we can accommodate him/her as late August 10th, 2021. However, we would prefer that a student submit an application at an earlier date.
カレッジ:Leonidさん LRACHMAN@elcamino.edu
英語コース:Lindseyさん lludwig@elcamino.edu
Depending upon when the student arrives, we are happy to accommodate the student to get them the quickest path to their education goals. The best situation is for them to arrive in time for the academic orientation if they have the score. If they arrive late and the classes are full and they have missed orientation, it may be in their best interest to study at the ECLA program. However, we will work with the student! We purposely time the ECLA program to begin a week before the academic program in order to give students a bit more time to achieve that score.
If they have the passing score, we will have them enter the U.S. on the ECLA I-20 and then transfer to the academic program once they arrive.
①CSU Long Beach (31名)
④UC Berkeley(19名)
⑤UC Irvine(10名)
please email an application to me (lrachman@elcamino.edu) and Alma Sandoval at asonval@elcamino.edu
Leonid Rachman, Coordinator
International Student Program
El Camino College
2016/10/08 ELS FAM訪問
33000人(留学生700 日本人150)
I-20がでたら、pre register OK (at least 2 classes) 先払いの必要なし
old torrance(4キロ先)にドミトリーあり。コミッションあり。
(2014/6/20) 健康保険について
Due to unforeseen circumstances starting the Fall 2014 semester El Camino College International Student Program will not be to accept an alternative health insurance.
All F1 Visa Students must purchase health insurance coverage from the El Camino College insurance carrier.
Payment Due Date: All Tuition fees for the Spring 2013 semester are due on February 4, 2013.
Methods of Payment: Tuition fees can be paid at our Cashier’s Office in person by check (drawn on US bank), money order, cash or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover). All checks and or money orders should be made payable to “El Camino College”. The student may also pay his fees online with a credit card via his MyECC account. If he wishes to pay online and has never gone to his MyECC account, we will be glad to assist him in the International Student Program office during our regular working hours.
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday – 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. We are closed on Friday. This Wednesday, January 23, 2013, our office will be closed from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
for our 2nd New Student Orientation.
2012年11月6日現在のEl Camino Academyの情報です。
1)ひとクラス 15名前後で、3クラスあります。レベル3修了後、入学可能。
To answer your question – if the student is working through your agency then the application fee of $75 is waived . . . no application fee is necessary for the Language Academy or for the ISP program.
ホームステイ先を選択させてくれ、到着後に到着の案内メールをくれ、2週間ぐらい前でも手続きしてくれ、前もって支払いしなくても手続きしてくれる (^.^)
Global Student Serviceは、El Caminoに申し込んだときに、I-20と一緒に送られてくるホームステイの会社です。紹介されるホストファミリの場所がよくないので、使わないほうがいいかも・・・。
El Camino Collegeにお申し込みで、もし高校卒業資格を持っていなくても18歳以上であれば、入学可能だそうです。
Thank you for asking. Not a problem. We will accept your student without Certificate of Graduation. Please note, if this student is interested in fall academic program, she will have to be here no later then August 9th. If she is going to our intensive language program, she can arrive to the US much later. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
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