Algonquin College アルゴンキン カレッジ
『The French courses are offered in class, you can learn about the times here: . The fees will be different than the ones noted there, as that is for domestic students. If she is interested I can get the fees for an international student.
As long as she were to make sure she’s taking a French course that does not conflict with the time of her EAP course, she should be fine. She’ll be very busy as the EAP program is fairly intensive but as long as she is okay with that then there shouldn’t be an issue.
The French course however is not considered a full-time program, so she will need to stay in either EAP or an academic program to continue in French.
If she takes the French course while she is studying full time, we can give her a discount to Canadian fees for the French course. She could also take 1 French course during the summer if there is a break between her English program and her academic program.』
If the student takes the IELTS and tests high enough they can leave the EAP program. They will not be refunded for the EAP semester however if they are past the ten day mark in the program. They also need to ensure they are studying and take a break no longer than 4 months between finishing one program and beginning another.
*日本人: 約15名
*留学生: 約1200名(在籍している生徒全体の約8%)
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