ELS コロンバス校 Columbus


Hello Incoming Dorm Student (KAEDE NAKANO),

Welcome to ELS Columbus! As you know Session 9B begins on Monday, August 17th, 2015. You have stated that you are staying in the ELS Dorms. Below is the information on Dorm Move In.

Below you will find Instructions for checking into Fitzpatrick Hall. You will be picked up, from your dorm on Monday, August 17th, 2015 at 8:30 am by the Yellow School Bus which will bring you to the ELS Center. The yellow school bus will be located behind Fitzpatrick Hall. The map enclosed in your dorm welcome package shows you where the shuttle will be.

ELS Dorm Move In: Sunday, August 16th, 2015 10am – 10pm
Ohio Dominican University
Fitzpatrick Hall
1216 Sunbury Road,
Columbus, Ohio 43219

To Check in, Please Call: 614-940-5559 OR 614-561-1835

When you call this number an RA will let you in the building, Give you: room key, Guest card, and Dorm linens, and Dorm welcome package.

Room Number: Fitzpatrick Hall Room 217
Roommate: None at this time

ODU Wifi Access:
Username= 2233866
Password= Friend@123

Hi Incoming Dorm Student,

Please note that it is ok for you to arrive at 8:30 am on Monday, August 17th, 2015 since the yellow bus will pick you up behind Fitzpatrick Hall at that time.

You will not be late for Orientation Day.

Please feel free to contact me with questions.

ELSのオフィスと教室は、学生寮のあるFitzpatrick HallからEast Campus Buildingへ移動しました。Center Profileは現時点でまだ更新されていないようなので注意。
寮からEast Campus Buildingまで無料のシャトルバスが運行。

『Ohio Dominican has been accommodating and understanding regarding parking, especially on the first few days for new students. Also, due to the nature of our classroom location, I believe driving would be the best option.
We have parking right outside of the building where she will have classes. We can go over parking procedures and things during orientation.』

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