サマープログラム 締め切り情報



⑧Birkenhead College

⑨Glendowie College

⑩Hobsoville Point Secondary School

尚、⑦Alfriston Collegeではまだ受け付けを募集しているそうですが、早めにお願いしますとのことでした。

トロント大学付属のサマープログラム(Youth International English Programs)の受け入れ状況:

Due to groups and established partnerships, we are at capacity for our Japanese student numbers for the August sessions (July 30 – August 26). If you would like to send students this summer, we can only offer you an agreement for the July sessions (July 2 – July 29). However, as this particular student has already expressed his interest in attending both sessions, we would be happy to make an exception for this one student.

We are not yet accepting individual student applications at this time – we will only start the student registration process in February.

ELC Wheelock College:プログラムを8/13まで延長した。
“We changed the dates of the program to the 13th to accommodate more students”

★ELC Wheelock College:7/23から2週間で受け入れ確認OK
★FLS Boston Commons:集中英語講座とDiscover Bostonの両方空きあり。

<CISS Trinityで6週間での受け入れ可否についての問い合わせ>
1. Would this client be willing to book at St. Michael’s? I only ask because Trinity is always very popular with the Japanese clients and I feel that we would be able to provide a better mix for your client if she were to come for 6 weeks and stay at St. Michael’s. If she is only interested in Trinity, that’s okay. We can certainly accept her booking.
・18歳になる生徒さんでもSt Michael’s受け入れ可能。

2. Please be sure that your client understands that some excursions will be repeated if she comes for six weeks. We often have students come for more than 4 weeks and this is not an issue – as long as they realize that they will experience some included excursions twice during their stay.


ILAC バンクーバージュニアプログラム ホームステイ満室

ELS Vancouver Summer Youth Program CLOSED
CISS St. Michael’s FEMALE STUDENTS June 28 – July 26 CLOSED

Tamwood UCLA

CISL Yale 7/19-8/9 OK

Kings Oxford Academic Program 7/5- OK,入学テスト有
FLS Fisher TOEFL/SAT 6/28-:5/23 OK
Victoria School District 6/29-:5/23 OK

ECサンフランシスコ Columbus 8月1日~9月中旬まですでに満室

Kings マリブ(15/05/21 山本さんより、マリブは年始には毎年満席になっているとのこと)

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